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Join us in celebrating a milestone as Daddy Yankee receives a prestigious award for his hit song "Bonita" at Premios Juventud! Although he couldn't be there in person, Daddy Yankee's heart was in the right place—he was at Daddy’s House, his incredible non-profit organization in the Dominican Republic, making a difference in the lives of countless individuals. In this video, we dive into the award-winning journey of "Bonita" and the impact Daddy Yankee is creating through his philanthropic efforts. Get ready to be inspired by his unwavering commitment to giving back and uplifting communities. Watch now and see how Daddy Yankee’s mission goes far beyond music, touching hearts and changing lives. Don't miss out! Watch now and join us in applauding Daddy Yankee's remarkable contributions. You will be inspired by his mission!
Palabras Clave
Daddy ulyanoee, Daddy yankee, Recibe premio
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